
  • Running with the monsters

    Fantasy as a safe space abstraction for our problems
  • Welcome back, eyeballs

    I'm back, eighteen months and millions of words later, none the wiser
  • Smash the Shelves

    Over-categorising fiction murders the soul of the story.
  • On Literary Fantasy

    Last June (2021), an English professor complained that students today only read fantasy books and not proper “modern literature”, such as his book, available in paperback. That click bait spawned Twitter debates on the nebulous concept of “Literary fiction”. Discussion went off in multiple directions, not entirely connected to the original theme. I collected those threads below.

  • The Librarians vs the Robots

    Truth and political power are opposing forces. The execution of Socrates showed being a philosopher in Athens was a dangerous and often fatal pursuit. Aristotle, the smartest of the ancients, left town whenever the authorities paid him too much attention.

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